Arus balik Sebuah novel sejarah Pramoedya Ananta Toer 9789798659041 Books

Arus balik Sebuah novel sejarah Pramoedya Ananta Toer 9789798659041 Books
The best pramoedya ananta toer's book.
Tags : Arus balik: Sebuah novel sejarah [Pramoedya Ananta Toer] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Historical novel.,Pramoedya Ananta Toer,Arus balik: Sebuah novel sejarah,Hasta Mitra,979865904X
Arus balik Sebuah novel sejarah Pramoedya Ananta Toer 9789798659041 Books Reviews
Most of us can hardly write an essay without referring to another essay or book. In order to make our readers believe in the data that we are explaining, we usually still need to base our remembrance upon historical notes or another texts. But not this man. Pramoedya Ananta Toer, commonly known as Pram, did not use any historical notes to write this novel, in fact it told us about history of Nusantara (a kind of synonym for Indonesian archipelago). Accused of being an organizer of Communist Party which alleged to conduct 1965 rebellion, he exiled in Buru Island without any access to information. Besides, before he was put into the jail, all of his books which he has collected for years, were burnt by the military of New Order government that came into power after the rebellion. Therefore, he couldn't use any references to this novel. But in spite of relying only upon his remembrance, the historical data that he drawn is very convincing. From its title, Arus Balik (reverse stream), we can imagine some kind of radical changes. Indeed, this (historical) novel told us about the change of character of Nusantara people. Until 15th century, the people (mainly referred to Majapahit and Sriwijaya kingdom) had been offensive, in a sense that they rather conquered many other nations located in the north of Nusantara than being defeated by them. But after 15th century (especially after the coming of Netherlands' armada) they became defensive, in a sense that the people were so careless that they were defeated by western nations that came from the north of Nusantara. Although it actually discussed about something serious, but the using of good diction made this novel becomes interesting. But most of all, like I said above, Pram's bright remembrance in historical events that took place hundreds years ago is still the best.
The best pramoedya ananta toer's book.

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