The Princetta AnneLaure Bondoux Books

The Princetta AnneLaure Bondoux Books
My daughter loves to read chapter books & this was recommended by her teacher as her reading level is beyond her grade level. You know when one loves a book because she/he would prefer it to electronics!
Tags : The Princetta (9781582349244): Anne-Laure Bondoux: Books,Anne-Laure Bondoux,The Princetta,Bloomsbury USA Children's Books,158234924X,Action & Adventure - General,Royalty,Adventure stories.,Princesses;Juvenile fiction.,Voyages and travels;Juvenile fiction.,Adventure stories,Children's 12-Up - Fiction - Fantasy,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Fantasy & Magic,Fiction-ActionAdventure,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Fiction Fantasy & Magic,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,Princesses,TEEN'S FICTION - ACTION & ADVENTURE,United States,Voyages and travels,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Action & Adventure General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Royalty
The Princetta AnneLaure Bondoux Books Reviews
When I started this book, I was prepared for yet another princess-flees-duty-to-pursue-adventure tale. It's only fair to mention that this sort of story drives me up the wall. I can't help feeling that nobody immature enough to put their own selfish desires before the well-being of an entire nation deserves to have a book written about them. However, the cover was too beautiful to ignore, and I had a long car trip ahead of me, so I figured, what the heck.
Rarely have I been so wonderfully surprised.
In my opinion, this story has a few main strengths that I would love to outline for anyone who is discouraged by the many negative reviews
1) The writing itself. I've seen several reviewers complaining about the translation; maybe it really does annoy some people. For me, it created a unique and rather unearthly tone that I adored.
2) The journey. Again, this is something many reviewers have viewed unfavorably, complaining of characters disappearing from the story. But in a real journey, what happens? People follow the same road for a while, but sometimes their goals differ, and they part ways. The companions you end up with are not the ones you began with. In my opinion, it only added to the realism of the book.
3) The characters' moral development. I'll try not to give too much away, but let me say that Princetta Malva's immature placement of her own adventure and excitement above her duty to others doesn't last. She learns and grows, like the best characters from the best books.
So don't let the length or the naysayers dissuade you from enjoying this magnificent, unique, and ultimately magical journey.
I also, as I'm assuming countless others did the same, picked The Princetta up solely because of the cover. Seriously, the book's marketing department deserves major kudos. I remember browsing through the YA section of my local B&N and thinking what last book to pick up (since I already had three must-haves). It was between this and another book (whose name currently evades me), but for some reason (mainly the cover), my eyes kept glancing at The Princetta. So, I decided to buy this one. Of course when I got home, I searched for the reviews on and thought I had made a terrible mistake when I saw that it was given an average rating of two and a half stars. All these reviews kept saying how terrible the book was particularly the ending. So, I was imagining that this book was going to be horrific, so I put off reading it for a while. Well, I finally picked it up and since my expectations were so incredibly low, I actually ended up really enjoying it.
I didn't think I was going to like the whole voyage storyline (yes I read the synopsis before I bought it and knew that a voyage was essential to the plot, but again I say, hello, look at the cover! Never underestimate the power of a beautiful cover...) because everytime I read a book about a sea voyage, I tend to get mildly seasick. (I'm well aware that this is weird and all in my head, but really I can't help it.) But I got sucked into the voyage like you wouldn't believe. I found myself looking forward to what island they would go to next and what terrible monsters they were going to face. I felt like a kid again who was always looking at those fantasy island maps and thinking, "I'd love to go there and fight monsters with my sword". Heh, even then there were no dreams of being a princess for me. I wanted to be right in the action.
Now the characters. I really loved Malva at the beginning. She was assertive, sure of what she wanted, and she didn't seem like the typical, whiny, pathetic, YA heroine that's sort of the norm in supernatural/Fantasy YA novels. However, after a while, she started getting all my nerves with her spoiled behavior. Seriously, you're saying that you don't want to be a princess anymore, yet you get annoyed when you're not getting the perks of the princess you so desparately don't want to be... Can you sense my confusion? But luckily, there were a slew of supporting characters that made up for the annoying princess. I loved them all. The smart, medicinal-knowledged side-kick, the mischievious yet loyal dog, the giant with the huge heart to match, the lovable twins, all great. I was a bit "meh" on Malva's romantic interest. I just didn't click with him and as a result, didn't click with their romance. But the good thing was that the romance didn't really make me roll my eyes the way others do. I guess because the big focal point of the book was the voyage itself and the romance was a subplot. Big plus for me!
I mentioned before that I thought the book was going to be terrible due to other readers' reviews about the ending. I'm not going to say what the ending is as to not spoil anyone. But I do have to say that I don't understand what's so terrible about it. Call me cynical or whatever, but if you're reading a book where a slew of characters go on a dangerous voyage, I kind of think that it's a bit obvious that not all of them are going to make it. Maybe Harry Potter 7 ruined these types of things for me (seriously, that book was bloodbath) so that I'm not shocked anymore when something like that happens. The only time I get annoyed at endings is when they come completely out of left field and you start thinking "How in the world could that possibly happen?!" But for adventure books like this one, I think that the notion that not everyone is going to make it is always a possible outcome. Plus, I don't really need the sweet, sappy, ending.
So, I have to say that I really liked The Princetta. Sure, the heroine was kind of annoying, but the awesome adventure that had me turning the pages more than made up for it. It's not my favorite YA book by any means, but I don't think it's quite deserving of the two and a half star rating it has on . If a book manages to entertain me and not throw something completely out of left field in order to "shock" the audience, then I'm happy. Maybe I'm just easy... (Not in every sense of the word, thank you very much!)
I would definitely recommend this book even though the ending still breaks my heart it's such an amazing tale. fun to read more than once!
I mostly enjoyed this story on a princess who seeks to escape the confines of her life and her arranged marriage. She has a series of adventures, not all of them good ones - and some of them might be scary for kids. Throughout the adventures, she acquires a group of fellow adventurer friends, most of whom are very likable. Which made the end of the book all that more disturbing to me, as all does not end happily ever after. Perhaps it is a more realistic ending, but it wasn't the ending I would have wanted for these characters. I don't want to spoil the book, but if I had known what I know now, I might not have picked up the book to begin with.
My daughter loves to read chapter books & this was recommended by her teacher as her reading level is beyond her grade level. You know when one loves a book because she/he would prefer it to electronics!

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